Safety Caring Achievement Resilience Friendship
Lees places personal development at the heart of all we do. We use the Trust wide agreed RSE documents which was jointly planned with families and the locality in mind. We also use Scarf to supplement the teaching. We adapt to help our children. For example, we run art clubs at lunch to enable children to talk freely in less structured ways. Harold the Giraffe is our mascot.
Our curriculum is planned to ensure discussion occurs. For example, we look at Syria and modern day refugee issues in English at Key Stage two. Carefully chosen texts ensure children can actively discuss a range of issues.
We strive for our children to become reflective and independent learners, who become equipped with life skills such as resilience, forming collaborative relationships and effective participation to prepare them for the next steps in their learning. We realise some children have different experiences as they enter Lees.
Through careful PSE and RSE we hope to allow children the opportunity to discuss in an unthreatening way
We offer lots to help personal development:
- Clubs at lunch- chess, drawing, art, cooking and sewing as well as sports
- School council
- Forest schools
- Trips and visitors
- Linking schools in Bradford